The Last Friday of the Year 2023

Today is the last Friday of the year 2023. As we reflect on the year, UVC has faithfully followed the guidance of the Holy Spirit and has successfully produced four glorious projects. It has become clear that these four projects are our expression of worship to our almighty God.
The first of these projects is the continuation of enthusiastic reactions and confirmations related to our short film, “Refuse,” which tackled the subject of mental illness and theology in the horror genre for the first time in history. Following that, UVC created the first devotional based on the horror stories found in the Bible, marking another innovative milestone in history.
Additionally, the podcast collaboration with Christianity Today, written and hosted by Fuller Theological Seminary professor Kutter Calloway, set new standards both in its subject matter and the high quality of its production. Lastly, we hosted an in-person conference named “Fearmakers,” which filled the Travis Auditorium at Fuller back in October, gathering Christ followers in the horror movie genre for the first time in history. None of these projects would have been possible without the Holy Spirit’s guidance nor from any kind of strategic planning; we at UVC are convinced that they are indeed Holy Spirit-led projects.
As we look forward to 2024, our primary focus will be on building up our “Magic Blue House” as a new church for creatives. Many of you may already understand that the Magic Blue House is unlike any other church out there. Not only in physical terms, but also in terms of the UVC church’s approach to worship. We do not offer worship services based on consumerism or entertainment. Instead, our worship is built upon the foundation of the four projects we have undertaken in 2023. We worship through the collective production of innovative projects. Our congregation will engage in whatever glorious outflow is led by the Holy Spirit from our beings, beings shaped by continuous discipleship. Bible studies will be a key feature of our worship activities. UVC strive to produce mature followers of Christ. Our purpose is not to take or consume, but to create and give, spreading love, joy, and peace to all. This is the inspiration that fills our hearts as we conclude the year 2023.
May the Holy Spirit speak to you and guide you on how you can continue to be a part of this new church movement. There is a reason why you are reading this update.
Happy New Year, and may God bless you!