I’m Still Here

I’ll admit that most of the time I feel safe. No matter how big the problems I deal with on a daily basis, I have the underlying belief that things are gonna work out. After all, I live in America. Land of the free. And it is a blessing to be able to feel that way. But even in this country, that hasn’t always been the case for everyone. Right now some are concerned a simple knock at the door could tear their family apart.

As we process these very real fears, thoughtful films can teach us how to behave in chaotic times. Based on a true story, I’m Still Here chronicles the life of Eunice Paiva, who kept on high alert amidst a military dictatorship in Brazil. Her large family’s rather idyllic beachside lifestyle was upended when her husband Rubens was taken in for questioning. Eunice herself was then wrongfully imprisoned and tortured for days.

After her release, Eunice learned her husband had been killed, but his body was never recovered. It took 25 years for democracy to be reestablished and an official death certificate to be issued. Despite this great injustice, Eunice refused to crumble. Instead it made her stronger. Not only as a mother, but also as a leader in the community. She became a lawyer and activist, speaking against the wrongs committed by the old regime. Her family lived on, bolstered by her bravery and steadfast guidance.

The film's key moment comes when a newspaper photographer lines up what’s left of the family for a snapshot and suggests that maybe they should look a little more… sad. But Eunice only encourages everyone to smile bigger. The loss they suffered would not be their identity. Nor should we allow our wounds to consume us. Our fear of the future shouldn't alter our determination to be a force for good.

It only takes a quick scroll through the socials to see that many are in full-on panic mode right now. Regardless of our unique situations, now is not the time to bury our heads in the sand. Those of us who know salvation should take the lead when others can’t see a way forward. When suspicion, anxiety, and division rule the day, we should be the ones ushering in peace. Though life has dealt each one of us scars, we don’t give up the fight. By the grace of God, we can stand firm with integrity. Our hope is our defiance.


Captain America: Brave New World

